Monday, June 2, 2008

so confused

I am a 43 year old mother of 4 children, and a grandmother of 2. I have not had the 'typical' family life most have had, meaning, I lost complete contact with my mother for over 25 years. Here I am, in NY, with my husband, my remaining children still at home, and all of a sudden my mother wants a relationship. For YEARS I have wanted that connection with my mother and now finally, I have the opportunity. She is elderly, and ill and there is no telling how much longer she will live. So I am faced with a choice..........go to where ,my mother lives, on the west coast to try and catch up on 25+ years, or say the heck with it. I chose to leave my family behind, and come be with my mother. I am happy and very sad at the same time. I am missing my hubby and children so much, but I am finally getting what I need from my mother, and that is love. I do not know if I am making the biggest mistake of my life, or if I made the right choice. I wish I knew what to do..........................

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